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Our Trusted Partners

Discover the brands and businesses we've had the privilege to work with and the successful collaborations we've forged along the way

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by usine our multi-channel approach
Projects that prove our determination for success!

Projects that prove our determination for success!

Spare8 experienced remarkable results through Mashrise's high touch consultative Partner Management Program. We witnessed a significant reduction in our customer acquisition costs (CAQ) while achieving a remarkable 5x increase in conversions. Mashrise's expertise and personalized approach proved instrumental in driving Spare8’s business growth and success.
Ronit Harisingani
Co-Founder at Spare8
Mashrise has been one of our Top affiliate partners for mStock, consistently delivering exceptional results. Their dedication and expertise in driving conversions have greatly contributed to our success. We highly commend Mashrise for their top-notch performance.
Karter May
Marketing Coordinator
“If somebody were to ask me for something similar, I would definitely recommend you guys!”
Billy Pearson
Junior Web Developer